Sunday, November 11, 2012

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is not very complicated.  It is a great technique/tool to use especially when you first start out taking photos to make sure that too much isn't going on in them.  Basically what you do is split your photo into 3 row and 3 columns.  There will be 4 intersection points on the "grid".  These points are where you should try to focus the main point of your photo.  This will allow it to have a more natural and balanced look to it.  However you need to know what you want to be the focus point of the interesting spot in your photo before you take it so you can place it correctly within the frame.  The purpose behind doing this is because we as humans have a natural way of viewing photos.  Placing the main point of your picture within these 4 points will allow your viewer to see this photo in a natural way they are used to without trying to decide on their own where they should be focusing their eyes on.  Now of course there are exceptions to every rule.  Maybe you a hoping for an abstract photo, or one that really makes the viewer think about what they are seeing and what they should be looking at.  However in order to effectively take these photos you first need to know how to take photos without tying to do that so when you do go to take a different picture you know how to effectively do that or at least where to start.  For this assignment I am using pictures from my boyfriends car accident to show the difference in a picture when you use the rule of thirds and when you don't.  You will be able to tell which ones follow it because they will be easier to focus on.

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